Don’t you love it when God gives us specific instructions?  That is what happened with Phillip and Ananais in the scriptures below.

“Go south to the road - the desert road - that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaze.  So he (Phillip) started out and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch…The Spirit told Philip - Go to that chariot and stay near it.”

Acts. 8:26

God gave specific directions to where Philip was supposed to go.  But on his way he met the official in charge of the treasures of the Queen of Ethiopians.  Phillip met one person.

Later in Acts, we read about Ananais.  “God asks Ananais to go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul.”  Acts 9:11.  Ananais was directed to one person.

Your purpose this week may be to speak with just one person.  God can be direct and give you exact instructions to who you need to speak to. 

Or God may ask you to go to a certain place and on your way you meet someone and God ask you to “go stand by their chariot”. v. 29

Listen for opportunities.  You may be thinking that it’s just one person. But your one person may be the next Paul.  Or your one person could be someone in authority to a country or region of influence like the Ethiopian Eunuch.

Your one person could be the one step that is needed to influence and change the lives of many other people.  
