Rebuild After Helene


Make your Donation go Further! Give to Local Charities for Local Recovery!

Partnering with you and our local community to rebuild the Land of the Sky

OUR GOAL: 100 $60,000 GRANTS to rebuild for 100 of the most vulnerable

As the whole world now knows, on the evening of September 27th, Hurricane Helene brought great disaster to our Western Carolina Community. We have seen communities taken away and lives uprooted.

National relief efforts are underway, with organizations such as the Red Cross, Samaritans Purse, FEMA and the US military now on the ground. Their expertise and expediency is crucial at this critical moment.

But after the waters subside and the mud is eventually cleaned there will still be Billions of dolors of repairs desperately needed.

That is where you come in and your targeted and generous donations will make a critical difference to so many of the most vulnerable.

Map Global is an Asheville based Ministry Advocacy Agency that seeks to provide spiritual and logistical support to our partnering ministries around the world. Although we have 25 partners operating in 11 countries currently, we recognize the need to pour into our own community at this critical time.

We have set up a recovery fund for local homeowners and small business owners, non-profits and Churches to continue to rebuild after the news cycle has moved on.

How is this unique and who are we aiming to help first:

  1. MAP Global is a federally registered 501(c)3 under the financial supervision of the ECFA (Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability) And as such all donations are legally tax deductible and every dolor is monitored to insure it goes where you the donor intend. You can give with confidence in the cause and the peace of mind that your donation is truly making the greatest impact possible.

  2. Map Global will begin screening applicants as soon as enough funds come in to help the very first qualified applicant. Though many resources will be available to recipients after this disaster MAP will focus on

    1. The most vulnerable will be given priority with widows and vulnerable children selected first. (James 1:27)

    2. We will seek to step in to legitimately underfunded situations where insurance and other relieve funds will not be made available.

    3. We will work with other local non-profits and contractors to secure the best services for the best price to insure your donated dollar goes the furthest!

This is not the end, and we are not defeated. No matter what mother nature gives to us, she can not take away our community. It is time for God’s people to come together and rebuild.

Thank you for your prayers and tangible support!