This month Josh Hardman embarked on his calling to reach the Punan people of Indonesia! After 3 years of prayer and preparation the tickets were booked, the team was assembled and the path made straight!

While in Portland for the commissioning Josh and I went with his family on a pilgrimage of sorts to find Jim Elliot’s childhood home. We prayed together there in the shadow of the Almighty and in the presence of a great cloud of witnesses who have gone before. It was certainly a holy moment.

It is truly our honor and privilege as a MAP Global team to join his pastor Tim, his family and his great team of ambassadors in commissioning him and supporting him as he goes.

Josh is unique in his abundance of faith and his willingness to say yes to the Lord no matter the cost. But he is not unique in the fact that he was created for a specific purpose and invited to join Christ in the great commission. If you would like to support Josh in his ministry or learn more about it please click the support button below. If you would like to follow in his example and say yes to the Lord in your own unique calling click the “contact us” button below and start a conversation today!