M3 Ministries, (Mark and Melanie) is gearing up for a March trip to the Czech Republic. Most of you know that we have made two previous trips and were blown away by how God provided for those trips and blessed the folks at Element Church and us! We were able to cast vision, train leaders, and minister to the young families of the Element Church community. 


Our next trip is scheduled for March 15 - 22. We’ve been asked to lead another parenting seminar on Saturday, March 17, to 14 “unchurched” families. Our prayer is to share the same parenting tools with Biblical principles as we have with believers and to see doors opened to go further with the Gospel message. We are believing that the Lord will provide some divine appointments to engage these parents into conversations that will help direct them to their need to invite Jesus to be the Lord of their lives, both personally and for their families. We will also be leading more training sessions for the Element Church family ministry team and spend more time to nurture existing relationships there

Will you partner with us? We need prayer partners and financial partners. We have been fortunate to find very reasonable airfare tickets; nearly $1800 less than the last time we went! Would you pray and consider how you can help? We need $3500 to cover airfare and lodging for the two of us. (See online donation instructions below.)

Thanks for taking the time to pray and seek the Lord. We will be contacting you soon and we look forward to answering any questions you may have and sharing more about this season of M3 ministry. 


Mark and Melanie


Jana, Element Church family pastor, with husband Radek and daughters Ela and Karolinka.

Below, Jana reports about the Element Family Retreat from last weekend:


Last weekend Radek and I ministered and fellowshipped on our Element Family Retreat with four families. We had a good time together and a lot of fun. We explored nature, had  some games for kids outside and enjoyed a crazy costume party! In the evenings we focused on Loving Our Kids on Purpose and had great and deep discussions over materials Mark and Melanie kindly provided to us. 

One of our unbeliever friends told us after the weekend: “Your friendship between families is so clear and honest, you care not only about your own children, but you show love to the children of your friends. The evenings we had time to talk were great. Honestly, I was so surprised you drink wine, but nobody got drunk :) I just felt comfortable and enjoyed it a lot!” 



Paul and Susan Babelay are a couple that attends our weekly P2K (Prophets, Priests, and Kings) gathering in our Asheville home, where we worship, pray, and study the Word together.


Spiritual Conversations

Everyother Monday evening, I (Melanie) am meeting with a group of wonderful women artists. We are using Julia Cameron’s, The Artist’s Way, to explore and discuss “creative identity.” Pray for open doors to divine conversions!


Online Debit/Credit

The most efficient method of regular giving! Recurring and one-time donations are both possible.

Click here: mapglobal.org/donate/Robertson 

Send and make checks payable to: 

“Map Global” 767 Lee Rd.
Clyde, NC 28721